Persistence in Adversity with Dr. Adame

Podcast with Dr. Adame: Nincy Erazo #REGARDLESS

Episode Summary

In this episode Nincy Erazo shares about her mother bringing her and her sister to the United States from Guatemala when she was just 3 years old. She talks about the mental and physical abuse she suffered from her husband. Nincy discusses getting pregnant and then having a miscarriage and how the abuse continued. Until one day she got the courage to leave the abusive relationship. She also shares about how her daughter’s father left the addictions, was restored, and is now part of her daughter’s life. Nincy was invited to speak to a group on physical abuse and it was then, that she knew she just had to share her story and write a book. She is now an author and a podcaster who shares how Christ help her forgive and become a new person.