Persistence in Adversity with Dr. Adame

Podcast with Dr. Adame: Christina De Mara, Author and Entrepreneur

Episode Summary

In this episode Christina De Mara shares her journey from a high school dropout, to earning several master's degrees, to becoming an author and entrepreneur. Christina talks about some of her struggles as a mother, her biggest adversity, and also what she's most pound of. Christina proudly holds three master’s degrees in special education, educational administration and leadership, and a third in curriculum and instruction, from the University of Texas-Pan American. Two of her books include, Early Life Leadership Workbook for Girls, and I’m Not Broken: The Power of Prayer, Scripture, and Interactive Journaling. 

Episode Notes


Her first job, as a high school dropout, was at fifteen, working for the Kirby Vacuum Company. She later got her GED and completed her bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies with a minor in Special Education where she found a deep passion for teaching students with exceptionalities.  She later completed her doctoral coursework in business and leadership.

She is best known for her creativity and her willingness to help others.